During PCEE After Sales Conference, we will not only discuss latest news from the After Sales Strategy and status of core AS projects, you will also have unique opportunity to get new ideas within a best-business-practice exchange among the importer After Sales Managers. Beside other topics, Accident Damage Management initiatives will be presented and we will also dedicate part of the conference to Smart Mobility and E-Performance topics that will be presented by our experts from Business Development department.It sounds very interesting, doesn´t it ? Nevertheless, that´s still not all. We can already reveal that you can look forward to some very interesting guests during the conference Thank you for joining us in Leipzig.​We are looking forward to the upcoming days.​

In case you have any questions
during the workshop days, please contact:

General questions:
After Sales:
Jan Vlk: +420731191154​
Adam Branny: +420731191167

Hotel Info: ​
Hyperion Leipzig: +49341550020